Instagramin julkkisimitaattori öljyää tarvittaessa vaikka pakaransa

Liam Martin pistää julkkisten kuvat uusiksi omissa versioissaan.

Kuva: waverider_ / Instagram

Uusiseelantilainen Liam Martin tekee Instagramissa hauskaa jälkeä waverider_-tilillään. Ideana on tehdä kopioita julkkisten kuvista. Martin heittäytyy tehtävään tosissaan, oli kyse sitten Nicki Minaj -kuvaa varten öljytyistä pakaroista, kiharaperuukeista tai käärmettä imitoivasta kasteluletkusta. Kaveri ei tietysti mahda ulkonäölleen mitään, mutta todellinen yhteys syntyykin pintaa syvemmältä ja juuri siihen syvälliseen puoleen Martin pääsee käsiksi poseerauksillaan.


I've been drankin' watermelon ... I thought it would be appropriate to designate my 'coming back' photo to Beyoncé and her pregnancy shoot . It's been a long time- almost a year to be exact... Since I departed this little online community! It's funny to think I grew up in front of so many of you - and so many of you grew up in front of me! I always held a sense of pride in the strong relationship I held with my audience, who always supported me through so much - I can't help but offer my deepest apologies for my long and often unexplained absences! From a social media influencer point of view I have held inconsistencies and unreliability to all of you, yet for some reason I always seem to come back to a flood of love and support  I truly cannot express how much that means to me - I hope you all realise how much you all mean to me. It truly is a privilege to have you all support me- and during my time offline I found a much deeper understanding & comprehension for the purpose of my influence.  Influence these days seems to be so easy to attain for superficial reasons (trust me I know, I used to put noodles on my head and balloons on my ass)...I find the true value of influence is the way it is used - for a purpose that is not selfish but selfless, with the intention to help others  I have learnt so much about myself, I have learnt to hold a strong level of contentment and respect for myself and the world around me. I have learnt the value of strong connections and how important it is to surround myself with positive people and to leave a loving impression on all those you encounter. Most importantly I have learnt the value of remaining a positive, uplifting presence in this world- to maintain pure intentions. I am throwing myself back into the chaotic beauty of this online platform that I started in my early teenage years! I can't promise much- I am to scared too. I don't want to let down or disappoint any of you who have remained so loyal and loving to me! I hope I am able to bring happiness and positivity to as many of you as possible, you always have meant so much to me Thank you for your patience! Keep persisting for positivity 

Henkilön Liam Miscellaneous (@waverider_) jakama julkaisu






In support of Miley Cyrus's @happyhippiefdn I have decided to dress up as her!!!! Like this photo if you think I have sexy teeth

Henkilön Liam Miscellaneous (@waverider_) jakama julkaisu




Please read the caption: When you can't afford a snake so you use your vacuum cleaner... Anyway I would just like to let you guys know a little about what's gone on in my life lately!! After living in a very nasty and abusive environment for months and months I moved to my grandmas house, she helped me get on my feet and I have recently moved into an apartment!!! It is really nice to finally be away from the abuse and negativity, but I have been very caught up with trying to sort my life out and paying rent/food and other things! So I am sorry for my lack of photos and interaction with you all, it has been a very hard few months for me and I have tried my hardest to get out of it. It makes me very happy to have your support, I am very blessed to be able to share my creativity with you guys!!! I love posting a photo and reading through your lovely comments and making you guys laugh!! I haven't gone into too much detail about what has gone on in my life but I thought I better give you guys an explanation as you have become such a big part of my life it's only fair to share with you guys what has been going on! And I want you to know that no matter what you are going through right now you can get through it and I will truly try my hardest to help any of you who may be struggling!.. This photo is of Jennifer Lawrence and it was very awkward to take TAG A FRIEND who would like my booty

Henkilön Liam Miscellaneous (@waverider_) jakama julkaisu




Which is which?

Henkilön Liam Miscellaneous (@waverider_) jakama julkaisu



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25.2.2021 15:36

Many Thanks

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