Lähetä yksityisviesti





arts & sciences


Nonstop hyperventilating, pedantic perfectionist loaded with ironic black humor and chronically distracted with something else, possesses a supernatural ability to postpone things to undefined future, obsessed with supplementing vegetables to her diet at mom's order, tries to diminish her use of garlic (yes, it's healthy but "environmentally unfriendly"), always pleads ignorance and goes grocery shopping on an empty stomach (where's that guardian again?!), likely married to her favorite cobbler (well, at least no doubts about his handwork…), and aware that she has a problem with stealing – she steals time just to herself and is proud of it. Why kill a good thing...?! Currently lives in two cities, works in the creative sector, should sleep more. Loves design more than life itself, repeats it's a friend, a passion, almost a family member. Dreams of juicy and constructive conversations, long-lasting relationships, eager sex, frosty mornings, more sustainable development, and that goddamn world peace. Hates bragging, attacking shower curtains when wet, Celine Dion, watchdog culture, populism, smileys, stockings, and people picking on others. And waits for summer, or a white winter, all the time and at the same time.