= lalalazy

  • ZOMQandBarbieQ

perfect i can play without doup.its good to know.
Just waking up 3 a clock. I wondering that im just borning
-im big kid like u, ithink wat i think.
Chigarettes smells good and feeling goood to walkin little bit in hill and get the power....powering to be so softtly lazy. Yep i dont care be in or always swimming...yep, maybe i checkin my lighning system etc.

now i smoking and playing basQuitar and its nice and healing me.can`consentrate on tv and cant play or something and i put more volume
and all house is flying -this room is my time machine. sounds great and sounscheck is over and going with dog---this rooms likes sauna with all lights. here near is school for dogs and i have to take some band
for my dog.

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5.12.2021 10:37

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