Don't you throw that shit on me

  • Lupiina

I've been on the other side
Got my lips smacked now they're dry
Then you call me call me in
You think I am your possession
Messing with a southern girl
But my recipe is on
With your
stale bread yeah it's hot
But baby I don't need your cash
so BABY maybe I let your

Big wheel turn my
Don't you throw that shade on me
I've been drinkin' down your pain
Gonna turn that whiskey into rain and
Wash it away
Wash it away
Wash it away boy
Let's go

I've been on my knees
But you're so hard
hard to please
Did you take me take me in
So you are a superstar
get off the cross we need the wood
Somehow you will rise
But without a tool
I know honey you're a pro
But BABY I don't need your cash
Mama got it all in hand now


(Tori Amos: Big Wheel)

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5.12.2021 11:21

Täältä löydät pian seksiä, suhteita, Deittailua -->

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