Lähetä yksityisviesti

Eija-Riitta Korhola


2 kommenttia


22.3.2015 10:21

Hello, I was just searching through the site when i came cross your profile your beautiful smile caught my fancy so i decided to send you this short note. I would like to know more about you because my late father once said that love is located anywhere all you need do is to find it. am willing to relocate if i should find true love. Please do drop a message if you're interested to know me better or you can drop your email address.

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Jätä tyhjäksi

Eija-Riitta Korhola

22.3.2015 12:05

Dear honesty101

I just wonder... If your nickname is about being honest and sincere, then why do you copy paste when you write a letter. Women get these same phrases some 50 per one week. Expect us to take it seriously? Cannot. ;) ER

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