Dark. Self. Speaking.

  • Jyri

Have not got much sleep lately, since there has been a voice inside my head talking to me. I need to open up about this to someone, because otherwise I'm gonna get absolutely mad...

Here is short quote from conversation I had last night with this voice I'm talking about... To get below a little easier to read, first sentence is the voice speaking, next one is me...

-what af is this?
-oh. sorry
-I thought it was the echo
-what a f***?
-no. the echo
-who the heck is this?
-oh me?
-yes, you?
-what about me?
-who and where in the h*** are you?
-oh, not there
-... ... ... I just want to know who you are and where are you!
-me too
-I wanna know it too!
-are you kidding me?
-no. why do you ask?

At this point I had to take a deep breath and count to 10... thousand, so I would not fall apart completely

-so who are you then and from where are you speaking?
-...you just asked who am I THEN and I would like to know when?

Oh Sweet Goddess I was speachless!! This kind of madness was ongoing for hours, days'n weeks. Maybe even years. I don't know, how could I? I really thought I've gone mad, crazy and nutty all at the same time until finally I got the point, changed my approach and bit by bit received more details about this sweet lil' voice...

This voice sounded so familiar. I almost saw its sweet face, sparkle in its eyes, cute smile on its lips...so soft, so warm and desirable, so loving, so strange...

Just to save you and myself from the same madness I had to experience, I need to stop quoting this voice and let you know what it was.

It was a lost soul, it was someones motivation, it was my own feeling.
It was familiar, it was sweet, it was my own fear.
It was something blue, it was a ring, it was my own past.
It was a grave, it was far away, it was my own future.

-would you like to dance with me?

Kirjoitettaessa soi Whitesnake: Is this love

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5.12.2021 10:40

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