Happy thoughts

  • Jyri

These are my happy thoughts:

Making bread without measuring any incredients with proper tools.
Thinking about someone special in freezin' cold shower.
Trying to smile in a extremely hot sauna.
Finding two pieces of bread from microwave owen while trying to get butter to melt.
Remembering half burned sausage I left on the sauna stove.
Trying to smile when burning my hands in very hot bowl full of melted butter.
Continuing aquard smile and trying to cool my fingers down under running cold water.
Burning my fingertips again with the very same bowl.
Thinking about hahaa when adding the flours.
Thinking about hahaa again.
Typing with one finger other hand in the hahaa.
Washing my hands under too hot water.
Remembering my half burned sausage again. This time going to look at it
Noticing that my half burned sausage was not half burned after all...
Trying to get the hahaa to grow in a bowl of hot water.
Eating raw fish on top of the bread i found from microwave owen earlier today...
Drinking half a liter of muddy water while listenting some bubbly one.
Thinking about my growing hahaa.
Watching my growing hahaa.
Noticing that the hot water was not so hot after all and changing it to hot water to get my hahaa to grow.
Waiting for my hahaa to grow while listening some acoustic guitar music.
Watching dried up flower on my kitchen table. No one told me it needs water too, tough.
Thinking about speaking a language I dont know.
Watching Homer...
Quitting boring writing and concentrating on smiling.
Rememberring my half burned sausage, which was not half burned after all. Gotta go!

Kirjoitettaessa soi Something weird...

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5.12.2021 10:39

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