I hate you!

  • Jyri

Tried to get rid of you whole evening. Just did not know how to tell it to you. How could you not see it coming you ugly old man?

I hate you so much right now! I hate you so much right now!

Keeping me awake for no reason! Just did not see it coming before it was too early, in the morning. How did I know it for so long time?

I hate you so much right now! I hate you so much right now!

This will never happen again. Just not going to even think about you ever more. How can I tell it to you in the way you don't understand.

I hate you, Gob damn it!

Please let me sleep!

Kirjoitettaessa soi Nothing. Its middle of the night for Gods sake.

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5.12.2021 10:39

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