Älytön vs. Älyllinen II

  • Tero

Tein taannoin eräänä sairastamispäivänä hieman tutkimusta astronomian puolella kuluttaakseni aikaa. Palasin taas vanhaan aiheeseen josta jo aiemminkin kirjoitin blogissa, eli siihen kuinka monta älyllistä rotua voisi Universumista löytyä jos otetaan kaikista galakseista todella häviävän pieni osa aurinkokuntia, ja niistäkin vielä seulotaan massiivinen osa pois, ja sitten katsotaan montako aurinkokuntaa olisi jäljellä.
Ja sitten oletetaan että niistäkin vain osassa olisi ollut suotuisat olosuhteet älyllisen elämän kehittymiselle.

Jäljelle jäävä luku on yhä aivan mieletön.

Tässä kooste eräästä mailikeskustelusta, jota kävin tuttujen kanssa (englantia taitaville):


Talking about perspective, how's this:

The known Universe has approximately 125 billion galaxies. Out of these about 30 percent are spiral galaxies like our Milky Way.

This leaves us with 37 billion galaxies. Let's make a careful and minute assumption that only 1 percent of these could have created intelligent lifeforms. Now we have 370 million galaxies left with possible intelligent

Let us make another careful assumption that 1 percent of these galaxies would have a solar system that is good enough for the birth of intelligent life. This leaves us with 3,7 million galaxies.

Each of these galaxies may hold hundreds of billions of stars (for example Milky way has been counted to inhold 500 billion stars, quite a lot, wouldn't you agree?), so let's take a new safe assumption: These galaxies only have 200 billion stars on average.

Now we have 3,7 million galaxies multiplied by 200 billion stars. You know what that is?

It's a fuckload of stars.

Ok, assuming that only a mere permille (0,001) of these stars would have a solar system, we'd still have 740 billion solar systems left with a possibility for intelligent life.

As a last step, let us believe that due to bad luck only one in a million of these solar systems would have actually given birth to intelligent life. Even still we'd be left with a mindnumbing number of seven hundred fourty thousand solar systems with intelligent life.
That means 740 000 other intelligent races in addtion to us, the homo sapiens.

On top of this, did you notice I was making safe assumptions? The true numbers are likely to be higher, a lot higher.

Still feel like you're the peak of evolution?
You silly bastards..

t. Teukka goes Nerdy


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5.12.2021 11:28

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