Getting high

  • Tero

A little lizard is scurrying it's way thru the jungle when he comes by a monkey sitting in a tree, smoking something.

The lizard shouts "Hey you!"
"Hey yourself.." says the monkey.
"What are ya doing, mate?" asks the lizard.
"Nuthin', just sitting here, smoking bud.." answers the monkey.
"I want to try that too." says the lizard and climbs up to the branch.

After an hour and a few joints the lizard says: "God, I'm thirsty! I need a drink. I'm going to the river." and climbs down.

The little lizard wobbles to the river and tries to drink, but he's so stoned he leans too far and falls over, right into the river.
A crocodile swimming nearby notices this and goes over to help the little lizard.
After getting the little lizard up to the riverbank, he asks: "What's wrong with you, little lizard?"
The little lizard tells the crocodile about the monkey and smoking joints.
"Ok, you wait here while I check it out." the crocodile says.

So, the crocodile heads up into the jungle, sees the monkey in the tree and shouts: "Hey you!"

The monkey looks down and goes:
"JEEE - SUS CHRIST !!!! How much did you drink, man!?!"

2 kommenttia


23.9.2007 21:50

Tää oli hyvä:D

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5.12.2021 11:15

Täältä löydät pian seksiä, suhteita, Deittailua -->

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