9-11 Anomalies

  • shamaatae

Anomalies of the September 11th Attack, Its Run-Up, and Response

Accepting the official story of the 9/11/01 attack requires one to accept a long series of anomalies -- extremely improbable events, amazing coincidences, and contradictions. This page lists many such anomalies. The Top Anomalies page focuses on the more salient ones.
Run-Up to the Attack
Numerous incidents preceding the attack indicate many people had advance knowledge of the attack.

* Put Options
Stock trades bet on the fall in share values for the two airlines whose planes were used in the attack.
o Put options purchases on United Airlines and American Airlines stock rose to six times normal levels in the days preceding the attack.
* Avoidance of the Airlines, the WTC, and the Pentagon
Government officials and executives avoided the targets of the attack.
o Pentagon officials canceled travel plans on September 10th.
o San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown received a warning not to fly on September 10th.
o Scotland Yard prohibited Salman Rushdie from flying on September 11th.
o Two employees of Odigo, the instant messaging service, received e-mail warnings of the attack two hours before the first assault on the WTC.
o Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel, canceled plans to address Israeli support groups in New York City on September 11th.
o Business executives, some of whom worked in the WTC, were in Nebraska to attend a meeting at Offutt Air Force Base hosted by billionaire Warren Buffett on the morning of September 11th. The same base would be visited later that day by George W. Bush.

Hijacking Scenario
The attack scenario was irrational on the part of the alleged hijackers, and its execution is incomprehensible in light of their behavior. There is little or no credible evidence that Arab hijackers were involved in the September 11th attack, except in the takeover of Flight 93.

* Attack Plan
By flying from remote airports and going far out of their way, the attack planners exposed their plan to almost certain ruin, had the air defense system operated normally.
o The originating airport for Flights 11 and 175 was Boston Logan instead of any of several airports near New York City. This created about 40 minutes of exposure to interception for each flight.
o Flight 77 flew to the Midwest before turning around to return to Washington D.C.. It was airborne an hour and 23 minutes before allegedly attacking the Pentagon. That would provide ample opportunity for interception even if the air defense system were 95% disabled.
o Flight 93 flew to the Midwest before turning around to fly toward Washington D.C. Had it reached the capital, it would have been airborne over an hour and a half. The odds of escaping interception with that plan would be infinitesimal under standard operating procedures.
* Behavior of Villains
The behavior of the alleged hijackers preceding the attack is inconsistent with skill and discipline needed to have a hope of pulling off such an attack.
o Mohammed Atta allegedly barely caught Flight 11, a key flight in the event that he was supposedly planning for years.
o The alleged hijackers partied at topless bars and drank alcohol, despite being portrayed as fundamentalist Muslims, for whom such behavior would be surprising, to say the least.
* Evidence Void
There is no hard evidence that any of the alleged hijackers were on any of the doomed flights, and substantial evidence that some weren't involved.
o No video of any of the 19 hijackers at any of the three originating airports of the four flights has been made public, except for a video allegedly showing hijackers of Flight 77.
o None of the alleged hijackers' names appeared on the airlines' passenger lists.
o At least six of the alleged hijackers have turned up alive since the attack.
o None of the four flight crews radioed Air Traffic Control about hijackings in progress.
o None of the four flight crews punched in the four-digit hijacking code.
o No public evidence indicates that the remains of any of the hijackers was identified at any of the crash sites.
o None of the contents of any of the black boxes have been made public.
o The only 4-1/2 minutes of the phone call from Flight 11 Attendant Betty Ong made public describes a stabbing but does not provide any details indicating that Arab hijackers were on board.
* Phenomenal Success
The success with which hijackers allegedly took over four jets with knives and then piloted the jets to small targets is simply miraculous.
o None of the four flight crews were able to stop the alleged hijackers, in spite of several of the pilots being Vietnam veterans.
o None of the alleged hijackers were good pilots, yet the three buildings were hit with phenomenal precision.

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