Hyvää aikaa matkustella ! =)

  • Toni

Hyvin se on taas kerran perillä tuo tähtitaivas siitä mitä mun elämässäni on paraikaa meneillään :) Pian ois yksi jo maksettu matka edessä & toiseen on jo pyydetty joka olisi sekin jo toukokuussa ! Ja alhaalla tästä tilanteesta tähtitaivaalla & henkilökohtaisella kartallani taitaa pari muutakin planeettaa siirtyä kohta tuonne samaan esim. matkusteluun ja opiskeluun liittyvään Jousimiehen 9. huoneeseen.

Something new
Valid during several months: This is a good time for any kind of study and education, because you are intellectually eager for knowledge and new experiences. You want to take a larger view of life in order to see how the various parts fit together to make up the whole. Any new and interesting phenomenon from a world outside your own is likely to attract your attention at this time. Subjects relating to foreign places, the law, philosophy or higher knowledge of any kind will engage your attention. It is possible that you may have some dealings with officials connected with the law, although you should not fear this possibility particularly. It is a good time to travel, because your curiosity makes travel very interesting to you. You are also quite open to alternative lifestyles at this time.

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mercury in the 9th House, 9, from 14:11
activity period from 24 March 2011 until beginning of June 2011

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5.12.2021 10:39

Täältä löydät pian seksiä, suhteita, Deittailua --> http://dating24.me

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