Lastensairaala hoitaa vauvaa kannabisöljyllä Coloradossa ensimäistä kertaa

  • TeppoSyvarila

Coloradossa tehdään historiaa ja samalla tutkimusta. Kannabisöljyä annetaan lääkäreiden toimesta vauvalle, joka kärsii epilepsia vuoksi kouristuksista.

"A baby girl who began having life-threatening seizures within days of her birth is receiving hemp oil while in the neonatal intensive-care unit at Children's Hospital Colorado, her mother says.

Amylea Faith Nuñez's parents drove to Colorado Springs to buy the liquid form of marijuana this week after they say neurologists at Children's said they could give it to their daughter. The two-month-old girl took her first dose Thursday from a tiny syringe her mother squirted into her mouth.

Hospital staff do not "prescribe or recommend" medicinal marijuana, which is not FDA-approved, hospital officials said in a statement. Children's spokeswoman Elizabeth Whitehead said the hospital could not comment on any specific case because of patient privacy laws."

Infant at Children's Hospital Colorado receives hemp oil for epilepsy

Children’s Hospital Doctors Monitoring Epileptic Baby Being Treated With Hemp Oil

First Baby Being Treated With Hemp Oil in Colorado

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5.12.2021 10:30

Täältä löydät pian seksiä, suhteita, Deittailua -->

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