
Päihdepolitiikka,kieltolaki,lääkekannabis,luonto,yhteiskuntakritiikki,tasa-arvo ja kannabis.:)

Näytetään blogin kirjoitukset, joissa aiheena on älykkyys.

Kannabis ei laske älykkyyttä  6

Tämä ei suuri yllätys minulle.Mutta monille voi olla yllätys, että alkoholi sen sijaan laskee sitä.:)

Moni keskusteluissa usein väittää,että kannabis heikentää älykkyyttä ja siihen vedotaan kun kannabiksen kieltolakia Suomessa puolustetaan.
Monille menee nyt taas kerran jauhot suuhun.:)

Kannabiksen haittoja on vuosikymmeniä yritetty löytää eri tutkimuksissa, mutta vähän on niitä löytynyt, hyötyjä kyllä sitäkin enemmän.

"A 2012 Duke University study made international headlines when it purported to find a link between heavy marijuana use and IQ decline among teenagers. Other researchers questioned the findings almost immediately: Columbia University's Carl Hart noted the very small sample of heavy users (38) in the study, leading him to question how generalizable the results were.

Then, a follow-up study published 6 months later in the same journal found that the Duke paper failed to account for a number of confounding factors: "Although it would be too strong to say that the results have been discredited, the methodology is flawed and the causal inference drawn from the results premature," it concluded.

Now, a new study out from the University College of London provides even stronger evidence that the Duke findings were flawed. The study draws on a considerably larger sample of adolescents than the Duke research - 2,612 children born in the Bristol area of the U.K. in 1991 and 1992. Researchers examined children's IQ scores at age 8 and again at age 15, and found "no relationship between cannabis use and lower IQ at age 15," when confounding factors - alcohol use, cigarette use, maternal education, and others - were taken into account. Even heavy marijuana use wasn't associated with IQ."

No, marijuana use doesn’t lower your IQ