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Mielenkiintoiset asiat hyvät "maisemat"



Seison elokuisena aamuna meren
Ulappa katoaa kaukana usvaan
Se lähestyy rantaa hiljaa hiipien
Kuin rakkaus sisimpäämme
Se ympäröi jo meidät kuin rakkaus
Aamuaurinko nousee usva häipyy
Sen tunne jää kuin rakkaus
Aurinko lämmittää
Niin kuin rakkaus
Päivä saa otteen
Aurinko porottaa
Se polttaa
Kuin rakkaus
Ilta ehtii
Aurinko menee mailleen
Rakkaus jää
Se hehkuu....

My Heart hit got.
The arrow is Amorin from the wine suppose.
Deeply it sank so
just as to remain for ever kii.
From the Hit the mä vavahtelen,
although it happen, mä deplores I don't.

Organ world ssain
I thought, that the peace doesn't shake mokoma gets.
But are only,
You my dream tuut, you are my, you are unelmissain,
day and öin I miss only.

my heart in hand sun
for the weak alters mä when to fall in loves.
my heart own kses' you get
I hope you do not' with me possessed yes.
My Soul as in the fog is,
Your place I look for and really restless.

The Lap falls to suppose,
Your smile it got is time.
I don't contact levels oote have patience to,
knees mould deceitful under.
Me you get, completely.
Mä lap my journey I do.

My Heart hit got.
The arrow is Amorin from the wine suppose.
Deeply it sank so
just as to remain for ever kii.
From the Hit the mä vavahtelen,
although it happen, mä deplores I don't.