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Eipä iso ihme, etteivät kansainväliset tiedepalkinnot osu oikeastaan koskaan Persianlahden alueelle. Ohessa artikkeli erään Kuwaitin opetusministeriölle hiljattain toimitetun tutkimuksen löydöksistä.

Gays: Study blames female teachers

KUWAIT: A specialize work team has finalized a study of homosexuality in Kuwait. The study was submitted to the Ministry of Education because it linked homosexuality with the fact that the Ministry of Education employed female teachers in primary schools. According to the study the "gay phenomenon" had rapidly increased after the "feminizing of the teaching staff in primary schools".

The study warned the Ministry against employing female teachers because it said that male pupils are being affected by the behavior of their female teachers and they are imitating these teachers. The study went further and suggested that the Ministry revert to the old system whereby male teachers teach male pupils and female teachers teach female pupils.
Added to this, the study found that the problem was compounded by the fact that parents did not show as much interest in their kids, reported Al Watan. It pointed out that many families depend on maids to raise their kids, rather than parents.

Että silleen, hiukan pisti hymyilyttämään tutkijan kyky vetää johtopäätöksiä asioista...

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