Lähetä yksityisviesti

Lauri Helkiö


1 kommentti


5.7.2013 21:26

Hi there Good Looking man . my name is Darlene , i am became very interested in you after looking at your profile on this site . I am new here by the way . I am kind and reliable. I am a one-ma- woman and I very much love children and home. I am non-conflicting, well-balanced and patient. I strive for harmony. I value honesty and decent approach. I am romantic and emotional, but I am forgiving and easy to get along with generally. I am open and somewhat naive. As a woman, I am tender and very devoted. My favorite things show my many-sided nature. I am seeking for a man . someone to live all my life with him . I want us to get intouch and see where to go from there . Please if you have yahoo id . Then add me survive742@yahoo.com so we can chat on more and see what happen .You can also send me an email to the same ID .
wishing you good day and waiting to read from you as soon as possible please .

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