
  • Tomi

"I'm to much to describe. I'm loud. I don't use spoons. I don't button or zip my pants. I have to have 2 belts on. I have to shower in the morning, every morning. I hate birds. I don't like swimming with fish. I don't like not being abel to see the bottom of the water. I'm bisexual. I like people. I'm in love with MySpace. I like myself...A little to much sometimes. I am emotional. I am smart. I'm outgoing. I love the stage. I sing. I dance. And I don't mind doing both in public. I can't spell, and I don't mind. I don't always show emotion. I am often referred to as cold, emotionless and crude. In reality I have my emotions in check, and I'm honest. I'm br00tal. I write 1337 and I don't care. I have little to no tact. I have no finess. I am overdramatic and I am slightly self centered. I will change the world. I can save you. You will love me. If you don't, you don't know me. I am superwoman. I hope you aren't affraid of heights;; My pedestal is high."

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5.12.2021 11:05

Täältä löydät pian seksiä, suhteita, Deittailua --> http://dating24.me

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