Tilastossa on virhe!

  • Tomi

Lähetin juuri palautetta NHL:lle:


I just noticed that your goalie special teams statistics have an error, due to a wrong formula, that is used on this and last seasons stats.

For example Ben Bishop's total save percentage is .890, yet his even, power play, and short handed percentages are .892, .920 and 1.000.

Save columns on goalie special teams page are actually the SHOTS AT columns. The shots at column is actually [shots at + goals at] column.

It's quite easy to fix:

New shots at columns = present saves columns.
New saves columns = present saves columns minus goals against columns.

Nyt sitten odottelen vapaalippua ensi kauden avaukseen Helsingissä...

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5.12.2021 10:49

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