Yes - Onward.

  • V.C. Mikko

Contained in everything I do
There's a love, I feel for you
Proclaimed in everything I write
You're the light
Burning, brightly
Onward through the night
Onward through the night
Onward through the night of my life

Displayed in all the things I see
There's a love you show to me
Portrayed in all the things you say
You're the day
Leading the way
Onward through the night
Onward through the night
Onward through the night of my life

Onward through the night
Onward through the night
Onward through the night of my life

1 kommentti


5.12.2021 10:50

Täältä löydät pian seksiä, suhteita, Deittailua -->

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