
  • CatchMe

Viihdettä numeroin, eli tällainen minä sitten olen (uskokoon ken tahtoo):

Name number (full name) relates to how you express yourself in the many outer experiences of your life.
1 Yoy're independent, individualistic, martial, original, assertive, dominating, forceful, willful, pioneering, leading, initiating action, attaining.

Destiny number (birthdate) ia also known as "Life Path" or "Birth Path", this number remains constant in your life (doesn't change with marriage, initiation, etc.). It tells a lot about why you are here on Earth and what you are meant to accomplish.
11 Stands for mass communication, group effort, intuition, cooperation, impersonality, higher spiritual plane, intuitive, illumination, idealist, a dreamer.

Personality number is derived from the consonants in your name and relates to the practical side of your life, such as career and personal relationships.
6 Means harmony, creativity, art, justice, balance, love, compassion, service, symbols, responsibility, protection, nurturing, community, sympathy.

Soul Urge number is derived from the vowels in your name and relates to the subjective, inner aspects of our lives.
4 Brings stability, firmness, security, conservative, practical, forms, systems, solidity, objectivity.

Kirjoitettaessa soi Ihan vaan hiljaisuutta..

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5.12.2021 11:17

Täältä löydät pian seksiä, suhteita, Deittailua -->

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