Aamun ensimmäinen kuuloaistimus

  • hokkupii

I hurt myself today
to see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
the only thing that's real
the needle tears a hole
the old familiar sting
try to kill it all away
but I remember everything
what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
and you could have it all
my empire of dirt

I will let you down
I will make you hurt

I wear this crown of thorns
upon my liar's chair
full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
beneath the stains of time
the feelings disappear
you are someone else
I am still right here

what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
and you could have it all
my empire of dirt

I will let you down
I will make you hurt

if I could start again
a million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way

Tämä tuli Voicelta, voitteko kuvitella, oli tarkoitus herätä jokapäiväiseen tyhjäpäiseen soopaan ja sieltä tulikin Johnny Cashin Hurt.

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5.12.2021 11:10

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