Between the Shadows

  • CatchMe

You took me away far from this side
with the wings of golden eagle
You flew me to the primeval fields where
Dawn keeps kissing Dusk

You gave me the greatest
gift of time and caress
between the past and time to come
where warm winds calm to
fondle naked figures
exploring ancient tale

You made me feel like
I was worthy of laughter and joy
and you held me and I saw
You looking at me
between the smiles of
Moon and Sun.

Now I hear an echo of Your
voice whispering the words
I feel the marks of Your hands around me and
I remember it all and miss You already -
Between the Shadows

Kirjoitettaessa soi Loreena McKennitt - Between the Shadows

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5.12.2021 10:54

Täältä löydät pian seksiä, suhteita, Deittailua -->

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