
  • ZOMQandBarbieQ

i just waking up and this place is something like a boath.
i have to stay clean, but now is realy different. smoking jup-topacco and wondering wat hell i doing here.....yep i,m realy sick and so happy and it seems like malaga or dreaming on . wat hell im doing here on boath. they speaking english and wondering and laughning me cause im realy crazy or something. those board looks likes kitchen and im asking something to eat and smoking jup tobacco.

they said
that were landing in pirkkala and i know very good that somebody just kidding me. yepyepyep do it, do it , they singing and i too. nice im shaking little bit and i dont remember how to say im in love. love boath and here we go. now its summertime i now and i have got my quitar. she sleeping closed me and saing me ;"wellldone"......i have got lot of rings and stones and yewels and i have got a blue shirt...nice colors and im waking úp and i feel love ...big bang and big love <3 feeling reeling and sitting here likes nagual be. now im happy for this sicknes. the sicknes with love like proud fin ! im playing quitar and i know this dream is truth and i watching white screen. hope u feel love too, hope u feel happy and be care, cause and comming soon near somewere tampere. i need sour, but i have to wait for landing. i feeling rich, but i wondering that yesterday i have no money and those girl just looking me and those boy...they need me and i know....lot of questions, i said. and talking something and they give me light to smoking more, more hardcore, they said and smiling and asking me "how i u feeling HOOK????" and now me -good to know...im hook and and its so green and lot of lakes. stay clean, but first i have to be very dirty in this illusion and waking up. i know that money is for poor peopple and i love how they trying so hard. they are likes me and upside down.were one and one are we -same boath:D `

take it easy. dont worry.be happy, i say again and i know this is truth cause i am . and im hook and son of light. my cellphone ringing and plaaplaaplaa...asking were i am? "couple hours and im in my home, i toldl, cause ím not so stupid anymore. little bit dirty and this banana smells good and im hungry like wolf. "sweet home alabama", i singing and dancing with myself and reeling little bit and writing. ammazing is our world.

my frieds is comming soon and just right time and i´m happy and laugning all the time. upside down is good song...yep i dont use drugs so more, but sometimes something - i listening wat my hearth saying and doing so it.

2 kommenttia


11.7.2012 18:58

Mä tykkään tästä unesta josta ei malta silti olla herääämättä. Tykkään lukee ihmisii ja olla usein omassa rauhassa ja kerätä voimaa auringosta. Oon semmonen työn ja valon laps. ADHDseen ei kanbnata syödä mitään lääkeitä -se on ominaisuus. ihmisiä myrkytetään paskalla ruoalla ihan tarpeex muutenkin ja koitan enempi tuottaa itse ainakin tärkeimmät yrtit ja kasvit ja kukat on ihanii.. Mä yykkään ihmisistä ja saan voimaa niistä ja oon huomannut ettei siihen mitään kitaraa tarvita. Unet on mulle tärkeitä
ja rakennan itselleni hautatemppeliä -sen verran diiva oon ku ei tiedä koska kupsahtaa..ennen kelasin et ihan sama vaikka poltaais ja heittäs tuhkat viemäristä alas, mut sillon en elänytkään naguaaalin elämää jossa pitää olla aina valmiina kaikkeen
ja mahdollistaa kaikki

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5.12.2021 10:36

Täältä löydät pian seksiä, suhteita, Deittailua --> http://dating24.me

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