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Astrologia & usko elämään !  4

Koska olen jo pitkään tutkinut astrologiaa & seuraan omaa tilannetta siinä myös usein, elämänkatsomukseni tulee hyvin pitkälti sieltä. Nyt mahdollinen uskoon tuloni ei ole kuitenkaan ristiriidassa sen kanssa. Hain apua vaikeantuntuiseen tilanteeseeni & sain uskon elämään takaisin ! Siitä on nyt ollut ensisijaisesti kyse, mutta löysin tarpeen muutokseeni myös astrologian kautta. Tajusin sen hieman jälkikäteen, mutta elämä onkin elämistä varten eikä elämistä astrologisten kuvioiden kautta ja mukaan. Tässä oleellisesta transiitista nyt jotain :

Uranus opposition Pluto: Sweeping changes

End of March 2011 until end of February 2012: Now is the time to make sweeping changes, not only in your consciousness, but also in the circumstances in which you live. Conditions that have been developing slowly will force major changes upon you now. If you are flexible, you will be able to start a whole new phase of life, even though you may have thought that the time for new starts in your life is past. You will have a new birth of awareness, and you will be able to deal with your life unhampered by old patterns of thought that have limited you.

But if you cannot adapt and be flexible, this will be a period of great turmoil and stress as you try desperately to hold on to circumstances, possessions and relationships that no longer have any real function in your life. What you are trying to save is not something real, it is only an illusion.

The impetus for change may come through persons who present you with many upsetting surprises, all of which show that your life is no longer what is was. The key point to recognize is that this process is not bad for you, it is just upsetting at first until you get into the flow of events. It can be quite exciting and will certainly inject an element of youth into your life again, with the advantage that now you will have the wisdom to handle it properly.