Uranus Oppositio Pluto & Pluto Trine Asc.

  • Toni

Ei ollut sinänsä yllätys että poikkeuksellisen haastavan Uranus Opposition Pluto-transiitin aikana oli itselläni ensin vaikea kriisi & vain 29-vuotias ystäväni joka oli myös sulkapallokaverini sekä toisen hyvän kaverin isä kuolivat seuraavaksi. Mummopuolenikin kävi lähellä kuolemaa mutta saa toistaiseksi jatkaa vielä taivallustaan. Hyvä niin. Nyt minulla on taas alkamassa uusi voimakkaan Pluton koskettama transiitti joka onneksi tällä kertaa on sinänsä ns. "helppo" mutta kovasti vaikuttava ajanjakso (kuten kaikki jossa pluto on mukana) jona aikana voi saada merkittäviä muutoksia elämässään aikaiseksi josta seuraavaksi :

A higher quality ***

Valid during many months: This is a time of creative change in your relationships. You have the opportunity to be either the agent of the changes or the object of them. Probably you will be both to some extent.

On the other hand you may experience an increase in personal power with this influence. You will have the chance to exert an influence on others either because you are in a position of some power or because your own personal vibration influences people and changes their lives. However, it is important to use this power for the general good, because it does not adapt well to purely egoistic purposes.

During this time you will seek a higher quality and greater intensity in all your experiences. You are not even remotely attracted to superficial qualities, either in people or in experiences. You need to feel with every ounce of your emotion that every encounter changes you at the deepest core of your being.

To this end you may draw people to you who are very intense and who have a very strong effect upon your mind. However, with this influence these relationships are usually quite constructive rather than difficult. Even under the best of conditions, some of what you learn about yourself may not be very pleasant until you learn to accept it, but it usually isn't so bad, even if you think it is.

Under any circumstances the overall effect of these encounters is to broaden your self-understanding and increase your capacity for complete self-expression. There may be changes in your life at this time, and your relationships may be considerably altered, but this is only so that you may experience a regeneration that will keep your life from becoming stale and dead.

Transit selected for today (by user):
Pluto Trine Ascendant, ,
activity period from 7 February 2012 until mid-December 2013

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5.12.2021 10:36

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